2 Year Old Curriculum Guide
We offer both a 4 day (Mon-Thurs) and a 3 day (Tues, Wed, Thurs) option for our 2 year olds. A child is eligible for enrollment if he or she is the given age on or before September 1st of the current year. Class ratios are as follows:
Two-year olds/8-10 per class: 2 adults
During the school year your child will be working on the following skills. Your child will be evaluated on the following skills according to the development expectations of his or her individual assessment. These guidelines are in correlation with the United Methodist Association of Preschools (U.M.A.P.) standards. Our small classroom environment and hand-on materials permit a child to develop at their own pace. Therefore, we ask that you avoid pressuring your child or becoming overly anxious about their efforts. Remember, they are trying their hardest and praise and encouragement are all they need to start them on life's long journey into education.
Sensory Lessons:
Discriminates Size
Discriminates Color
Discriminates Taste
Discriminates Weights
Discriminates Shapes
Discriminates Sounds
Discriminates Texture
Math Lessons:
Counting in Order
Numbers 1 to 10
Numbers 1 to 30 (as per the calendar)
Language Lessons:
Begins to Learn Letters
Learns Association of Letter Sounds
Writing with Chalk
Begins to Grip Pencil Correctly
Expresses Self Clearly
Uses Complete Sentences
Can Combine Word Phrases
Develop Appreciation of Stories, Poems, Finger Plays
Practical Life Lessons:
Able to Care for Environment
Able to Care for Self (self-reliant skills)
Follows through on Tasks with Few Steps
Organizes Materials in an Orderly Fashion
Returns Lessons to Their Proper Place
Acquires Skills to Complete Dry Lessons
Acquires Skills to Complete Wet Lessons
Social Development Lessons:
Respects Others
Respects Environment
Exhibits Self Control
Follows Rules Inside and Outside
Interacts with Other Children
Is Able to Express Feelings
Handles Problems Verbally
Speaks Comfortably in Groups (circle time, show and tell)
Cooperates with Teachers and Other Students
Christian Education Lessons:
Participation in Prayer
Participation in Christian Music
Develops Good Self-Concept as a child of God and a person of value
Opportunities to know the creative power of God and enjoy the world
Share in the joys and benefits of Christian community
Opportunities to experience trust of their environment and teachers through boundaries set for them and about God's love for all God's creation including people of different cultures, races, and religions.
Music Education Lessons:
Experiences with sound and music
Opportunities for singing
Rhythmic activities and movement with music
Participation in musical games
Experience listening and responding to different types of music
Introduction of rhythm instruments, scarves, parachutes, etc.
Your child will also be introduced to a variety of thematic lessons throughout the school year. These lessons will include: Let's Get Acquainted, School- Making New Friends, My Family and Me, Halloween - Pumpkins, All About Fall, Community Helpers (Fire Fighters, Policemen, Mailman, etc.), What Do I Want to Be When I Grow Up, Thanksgiving Harvest, Native American Indians, Christmas, Christmas Program, The Birth of Jesus, Winter, Snow and Ice, Valentines Day, Good Healthy Habits, Plants and Seeds, Easter, Springtime, Farm Animals, Mother’s Spa Day, Dad's Olympics, Life at the Beach.