On-Line Payments
Welcome to the CEC Payment Page. Currently enrolled families have three options for payment. Check made payable to First UMC or cash may be placed in the tuition box any morning during drop off times. Parents may also use the link below to connect to our secure payment option called Vanco.
If you choose to pay by credit card the link will connect you to various tiles relating to CEC tuition, pizza lunches, after school activities, registration, summer camps and more. Simply click the tile and fill in the appropriate amount along with your child's name. Drop that purchase into your cart. You may click as many tiles as needed based on your child's enrollment options.
Once you have completed your shopping, simply click on your cart and follow the prompts for payment. Processing fees will apply automatically to your purchase as part of the convenience of using the credit card option.
We do suggest that you create a Vanco account to help make your monthly payment process easier.
If you have questions or issues with credit card payment, please contact the preschool office at 561-746-8646.