Pre-k 4’s Curriculum Guide
We have 4 and 5 day programs available for Pre-K students. The 4 day program is held Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m. The 5 day program is held Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m until 1:30 p.m. A child is eligible for the Pre-K program if he/she turns 4 by September 1st. Our class size ratios are as follows:
Four-year olds/10-12 per class: 2 adults
During the school year, your child will be working on the following skills. These guidelines are in correlation with the Christian Preschool Association and the Sunshine State Standards. Your child will be evaluated on the following skills according to the development expectations of his or her own individual assessment. Therefore, we ask that you avoid pressuring your child or becoming overly anxious about their efforts. Remember, they are trying their hardest and praise and encouragement are all they need to start them on life's long journey into education.
Social Development Skills:
Follows directions
Stays on task
Plays well with others
Shows good sportsmanship
Knows parents' names
Knows address
Knows phone number
Knows birthday
Participates in group setting
Works independently
Stands up for themselves
Takes responsibility for own actions
Learns difference between thumbs up and thumbs down choices
Understands time management
Sharing and taking turns
Manners (Please, Thank You, Excuse Me)
Weekly classroom jobs
Gross Motor Skills:
Bounces /catches ball
Jump rope
Hops on one foot
Balance beam
Coordinates large muscles
Fine Motor / Cognitive Skills Lessons:
Holds pencil correctly
Holds scissors correctly
Cuts with ease
Uses templates for tracing/stencils
Proper use of glue and glue sticks
Knows left from right
Uses puzzles, beads, patterns, legos and matching games
Forms letters correctly
Learns days of week
Learns months of year
Recites Pledge of Allegiance
Math Lessons:
Recognizes numbers 1-10
Rote count to at least 10
Writes numbers 1-10
Counts tally marks
Creates and interprets simple graphs
Creates simple patterns
Knows geometric shapes
Understands measuring
Sorting by color, shape, texture and size
Begins to add objects to 10
Begins to subtract objects from 10
Counts sets of objects to 10
Reading Lessons:
Recognizes upper case letters
Recognizes lower case letters
Knowledge all letter sounds
Begins to learn short vowels
Begins to learn long vowels
Begins to blend sounds
Can sequence letters alphabetically
Recognizes rhymes
Retell a story in sequence
Communicates thoughts clearly
Demonstrates left to right progression
Demonstrates top to bottom progression of letter formation
Begins sight word recognition
Uses inventive spelling in journaling
Understanding reading concepts through art
Phonics with show and share for letter of the week
Conveys thoughts through illustrations
Science Lessons:
Lifecycles of frogs, butterflies and pumpkins
Sink or float?
Has knowledge of scientific experiments
Make predictions
Volcano models (paper and model with clay)
Planets and solar system
Earth’s geographical make up
Endangered animals
Farmer Jay visits to campus (Vegetable gardening, beneficial bugs, snakes, etc.)
Social Studies:
Has knowledge of geographic areas
Celebrates the similarities and differences amongst people and families
Study of countries
Polar studies (Antarctica and Artic)
Learns basic Spanish
Christian Education Lessons:
Participation in prayer
Participation in Christian music
Participation in chapel
Develops good self-concept as a child of God and a person of value
Opportunities to know the creative power of God and enjoy the world
Share in the joys and benefits of the Christian community
Experience God’s love and forgiveness through teachers and the church as community of faith
Opportunities to experience the trust of their environment and teachers through boundaries set for them and know of God’s love for all of God’s creation, including people of different cultures, races and religions
Opportunities to build ideas, feelings, and understands related to the Christian faith through bible stories, pictures, songs, bible verses, and play activities that uplift religious meanings
Bible themed art centers and stories
Music Education Lessons:
Experience with sound and music
Opportunities for singing
Rhythmic activities and movement with music
Participating in musical games
Experience listening and responding to different types of music
Introduction of rhythm instruments, scarves, parachute, etc.
Your child will also be introduced to a variety of thematic lessons throughout the school year. These lessons will include:
My School Family
School rules
Getting to know you
Thanksgiving-food drive for our Weekend Food Bag Program
Tour of our food bank/packing of the Weekend Food Bags
Cooking classes
Spanish classes
Music and movement classes
The Christmas story and program
Advent adventure
Christmas caroling at a local nursing home
Visit to the pumpkin patch
Snow day at school
Valentine’s day
Healthy habits
Dental visit
Dr. Seuss
St. Patrick’s Day
Mom’s Spa Day
Dad’s Olympics
Caterpillars and butterflies
Math vocabulary book
Numbers 1-20 book
Alphabet writing book
Journal book (writing with prompts)\
Planets book
Rainforest book
Endangered animals book
Around the world/countries book